Tuesday, September 2, 2008

September Circle Surf

We are all looking for more than just the monkey traffic that lands and leaves aren't we?

Well here is a chance to spread around some surfing that is just not a hiya/goodbya...

Simply visit one or more of the websites here, then list yours for other folks to stop in at. Don't just blow in and blow out, take the time to click around internally at the website(s) you visit. Give the person you are visiting some good stats on their analytics, wander around a few posts, don't hit the back button, maybe even a comment there to let them know you were there. Remember, many times a comment is just another backlink!

You can blow in and out, then leave a link here just to be a greedy fool, but those leaving links, and visiting them will be sure to comment on your cheesy attempt, which will let others know to stay away.

Our job is to generate linkbacks, traffic, better search engine results, and an overall feeling of community that has been lost to the scammers of the internet. So take advantage of yet another resource here. :-)

1. Guy Vestal

2. Tomas

You're next!
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